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Welcome to the Bredon Crafters craft blog page.
If all goes as planned, it should soon be full of good crafty ideas and inspirational chat!!

Patsy encouraged us to try crazy patchwork and following her clear instructions, many members came away with the beginnings of some beautiful new projects.
Thankyou to Kay and Sue for encouraging us to try something new - knitting wire and bead jewellery.  It was fantastic!!


Today was our first birthday and we celebrated by enjoying a large chocolate cake! We have purchased some embroidery equipment which was kindly offered to us and put it sale so that members could buy materials and tools at greatly reduced prices. much of the equipment was sold and we are sure that the rest will soon be purchased.

We started to offer our own items for sale or exchange so that all those white elephants we hide in our work rooms will soon find a new home.

Chrys brought in some Christmas cards, showing different card-making techniques, including acetate painting, 3-D decoupage and embossing and Patsy demonstrated and encouraged us to embroider ribbon roses.  We all enjoyed the afternoon.


We had a full house today, 2 new members and a very busy afternoon!  Patsy and Chrys brought in examples of silk items that they had both created, as examples of the type of projects that members could undertake.  Some members are attending a Silk Decorating Techniques Workshop this Saturday and have the opportunity of planning designs for further use.

Patsy had made up craft kits for everyone and we all worked on making a decorated felt flower, using patterns she had provided.  Members could choose which decorating techniques to use, Angelina fibre, sequins, gems and other sparkly materials.  Many of these will continue to be worked on at home and hopefully the finished articles be be brought in next month.


Eight members attended the all day workshop which was led by Chrys.  They began by stretching the silk, using gutta and painting in different ways and were offered a selection of projects to work on in the afternoon.  Some beautiful textiles were created and they have been encouraged to practice and produce more items using the methods they have learnt.


Everyone worked hard, cutting out board, covering with fabric and made good progress on their etuis.  Those who didn't work on these either carried on with their own projects or made a felt Christmas stocking.
Kay was kind enough to offer to prepare a pattern for medical equipment bags for St. Richard's Hospice, which we've nbeen asked to produce.


Those who hadn't completed the etuis carried on with them.  Some members had made more than one and we had a good variety of finished ones to photograph.  I will add images of these soon.  We also tried our hands at folded flower gift tags which are quick and easy to make.
Patsy supplied us all with fleece with which to make lap or cot quilts, starting in January.  I think we may need them!!!



We have been very busy and time has flown so I'm sorry to have to admit that the last few months have flown by and it is now May!!  

We had a very fruitful meeting this month, everyone working on the bunting, which is beautiful and making a start with the bookworm, which is going to welcome visitors to Bredon Flower Festival.

We also discussed making mini-quilts for the premature baby unit.  Kay is sending out instructions and measurements and we are pleased to help in this worthy project.
Well done, everyone!

JUNE 2014

Today some of us worked on the Bookworm.  We also discussed various styles of knitting and crochet and many members enjoyed both knitting and crochet.  Projects taking place included baby bonnets and socks.  We discussed many items, including the Flower Festival and ideas for 2015 workshops.  We have acquired  a weaving loom and hope to work as a team in the future, teaching ourselves how to use it.


Through the summer months we have had smaller but still enthusiastic gatherings.  Many members have brought completed projects which we all love to look at and discuss.  We have gathered a list of project ideas for 2015 and Patsy and Chrys are about to get together and discuss next year's programme whilst incorporating these ideas.

We haven't quite recovered from the Brian the Bookworm project for the church flower festival all of which was a great success. 

We have discussed but not finalised plans for a Christmas Craft fair instead of a summer one for 2015,  as we thought it was the best time to try to sell some of our craft items.

Some of the topics we covered at our club meetings were painting onto fabric and using it for a craft project, making a glittery picture onto black velvet, making jewellery from paper cups and plastic bottles and sewing silk bags which we will continue with in October.  (Patsy was kind enough to share her stash of beautiful coloured silk fabric with us, so everyone should manage to make at least two bags!!).

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